Thursday, November 18, 2010

Products we use & abuse all day long

So we have some equipment that we use on every job, no matter the project.  They've been positively beaten on job sites, as my fellow Pearl Painters are not exactly the most graceful and gentle crew.  So when you see your ladder being THROWN into the back of a truck, you best be assured that said ladder can take the indignity.  And so - I would recommend the following 2 brands of equipment:

We always use Purdy brushes and Werner ladders.  Indulge me, and allow me to expound...Ok Purdy brushes -  and it's PURDY not purty, like the tongue in cheek way of saying pretty... These brushes and rollers are pure value for money.  The brushes are made of Syntox, from which I imagine is their own made up word for "not natural".  They give all the benefits of natural Ox-Hair, but last five times longer. They have solid round tapered filaments which are 20% softer than Ox-Hair, are shed-resistant, and provide an ultra smooth finish and longer lasting brush. And that helps when you are cleaning them, since the bristles don't come off in your hand.

And more importantly, "Syntox" brushes can be used with both water and solvent based clear finishes.  This is a help when you are loading up a truck and don't want to mess around with finding specialty brushes based on the paint composition, polyurethanes, varnishes & stains.  Purdy brushes are value for money and if you take care of them, rinse them out after each use, and with normal maintenance, there is no reason why these brushes won't last you years.

The ladders we use (and fling into the back of plenty of trucks) are all Werner brand ladders.  Either fiberglass, wooden or aluminum, you can't go wrong. I use a telescoping ladder on almost all outdoor products and have never had an issue with this brand of ladder.  The glorious thing about this  ladder is that in all the years I've used it, I've never had an issue with any of the moving parts.  I have an equalizer base on one specific ladder that I've put through paces for at least a decade.  And we load these babies up, they have ropes, and buckets hanging off them, and the occasional Pearl Painting crew member who may currently not be on Weight Watchers - they have never buckled or given up on us.  5 out of 5 Quinsy Stars on this product.

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